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It's simple, I ❤ what I do...
I believe not to write just codes but meanings
And Seeing people's lives getting better with my work is what motivates to do more each day


What Domains I work with

Web Development

I love developing full-stack websites consuming various diverse tech stacks.

Mobile App

I do develop applications oriented to mobiles phones both for android and IOS based.

Machine Learning

Making various models according to desired problem is something I always like.

Artificial Intelligence

A.I fascinates me a lot, and I just find myself lost in the algorithms to drive our accurate and precise decisions.


Research is something that provides me with a vision for the future; I specifically work in AI, ML, Cyber Security, HCI, and Healthcare research.


Not primarily, but I just love experimenting with these fantastic mechanical wonders and integrating them with AI to develop AI-Based Robo!! 

Well, this is not all!!

I work with various other domains as well, after all life is beyond these machines as well !

Neuro Science

I just love how the wonderful human nervous system is designed and how consuming advanced technology we can actually save lives.

Mental Health

Mental health is a topic of great concern, at the current digital age it is actually more vital and crucial then ever. I work to resolve the issue and help people to deal with it through my project as well as personally on a daily basis.


With my specific projects, I try my best to resolve some of the very crucial environmental issues faced by the world today. With a recent start-up, I my fellow founder are trying to make multinational companies carbon neutral.

Content Writing

Though I am not a typical content creator, but I do write multiple techs as well as non-tech blogs to make  to make people aware of things going across the globe.


With a belief that this world is canvas, and we are here to paint our life with the colors of joy and passion: I work on the design.

Mystry Box

So, I am an explorer, and I do love to work on different and diverse domains every time. The mystery box is put here as I don't even know what the world would have for me next.

What I have developed so far

Recent Projects

TerraVerde: Accelerating the Renewable Energy Transition

Overall Winner Hack For Earth at COP28, Winner of UNICEF Open Source Award, Winner of Best Pitch Award at Build For Earth 2024

TerraVerde leverages cutting-edge AI to revolutionize the renewable energy sector by providing data-driven site recommendations and application advice. Our platform addresses the challenges faced by energy developers, such as identifying optimal project sites and navigating complex regulatory landscapes.

Key Features:

  • AI-Powered Site Selection: Uses machine learning to analyze various factors including resource capacity, policy incentives, past project success, and public sentiment to recommend optimal sites for renewable energy projects.
  • Explainable AI: Ensures transparency in AI-driven decisions, making it easier for users to understand and trust the recommendations.
  • Real-Time Data Analysis: Provides up-to-date insights and an interactive map UI for better decision-making.
  • Policy Support: Offers guidance on navigating regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance and facilitating smoother project approvals.

WasteWise: AI-powered platform incentivising the waste management to promote sustainability.

WasteWise is an advanced waste management solution designed to promote sustainability and efficiency in waste handling. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, WasteWise aims to streamline waste sorting, recycling processes, and waste reduction initiatives, making it easier for individuals and communities to contribute to a cleaner environment.

Key Features:

  • Smart Waste Sorting: Utilizes AI and machine learning algorithms to automatically sort waste into appropriate categories, enhancing recycling rates and reducing landfill waste.
  • Real-Time Waste Tracking: Provides users with real-time data on their waste generation and disposal patterns, enabling more informed decisions and encouraging waste reduction.
  • Community Engagement: Facilitates community initiatives and challenges to promote collective waste reduction efforts and increase environmental awareness.
  • Educational Resources: Offers a wealth of information and resources on sustainable waste management practices, helping users understand the importance of proper waste disposal and recycling.

IntricaArt: Empowering artists to digitize, protect, and showcase their paper-based art in marketplace.

Intricaart is a dynamic platform that bridges the gap between art enthusiasts and cutting-edge technology, fostering a vibrant community of artists, collectors, and admirers. By leveraging advanced algorithms and interactive features, Intricaart enhances the way we create, discover, and appreciate art, making it accessible and engaging for everyone.

Key Features:

  • AI-Driven Art Generation: Utilizes sophisticated algorithms to create unique and intricate artworks, offering artists new tools to explore their creativity.
  • Art Discovery and Curation: Employs machine learning to personalize art recommendations, helping users discover pieces that resonate with their tastes.
  • Interactive Community Hub: Facilitates a thriving community where artists can share their work, collaborate on projects, and engage with art lovers from around the world.
  • Virtual Exhibitions: Hosts virtual art galleries and exhibitions, allowing artists to showcase their work to a global audience without geographical limitations.

StoryScape: Accessible Storytelling Platform for Children in Hospice

Runner-up in Code to Give Hackathon 2023 by Morgan Stanley at Glasgow, Scotland

StoryScape believe in the power of storytelling to inspire and empower children of all abilities. Our web application provides a vibrant and inclusive playground where kids can embark on incredible storytelling journeys, tailored to meet their unique needs.

Key Features:

  • Adaptable Interface: Our interface adjusts to cater to children with diverse abilities, ensuring an accessible and enjoyable experience for everyone.
  • Creative Storytelling: Utilizing MIT Scratch, we empower children to design and create their own stories, fostering creativity and imagination.
  • User-Friendly Platform: Developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, our web platform offers a seamless and interactive experience for young storytellers.

Positively: Smart AI tool to improvise your social interaction

Best ChinaChem Group Award and Most Innovative Award in PolyHack 2023 at PolyU Hong Kong

Positively aim to change the way people communicate by harnessing the power of natural language processing and artificial intelligence. Our integrated language model, developed in Python, goes beyond basic text analysis to offer sophisticated functionalities including tokenization, sentiment analysis, and positive word recommendation. This powerful tool is designed to help individuals and businesses craft messages that are not only clear and concise but also positive and impactful.

Key Features:

  • Tokenization: Breaks down text into meaningful components, making it easier to analyze and process.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Evaluates the emotional tone of the text, helping users understand the underlying sentiments.
  • Positive Word Recommendation: Suggests positive alternatives and enhancements to improve the overall tone and impact of the communication.

Topic Modeling module for Geo-localised Twitter(X) Data

Received 97/100 score for the model accuracy and well-documented report for Web of Science Courses at University of Glasgow

This project involves the development of a sophisticated Topic Modeling module specifically designed to analyze geo-localized Twitter (X) data. By focusing on live tweets from Glasgow-city, this module provides insightful analysis and visualization of trending topics and public sentiment within a specific geographic area.

Key Features:

  • Data Collection: Utilized Twitter’s (X) v2 streaming API to scrape live tweets specific to the Glasgow-city location. This real-time data acquisition ensures the analysis is current and relevant.
  • Data Processing: Leveraged powerful Python libraries including pandas, numpy, nltk, and re for efficient data cleaning, processing, and transformation.
  • Natural Language Processing: Employed NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) for tokenization, stop-word removal, and text normalization, essential for accurate topic modeling.
  • Visualization: Created insightful visualizations using matplotlib, seaborn, and wordcloud to represent the data trends and topic distributions effectively.
  • Topic Modeling: Implemented advanced topic modeling techniques using the gensim library to uncover hidden themes and topics within the tweet data.
  • Cloud Computing: Deployed the entire processing workflow on Google Colab, leveraging cloud resources for efficient and scalable computation.

EcoChum: AI-powered green platform combating climatic metal health

Mystery Award winner in The Climate Change Maker Challenge 2023 by YIC

EcoChum is an innovative platform dedicated to promoting sustainable living and fostering community engagement through cutting-edge technology. Our suite of features, including ChumChat AI chatbot, GiftChum tree-gifting, and EventChum event hub, empowers users to make environmentally conscious choices and connect with like-minded individuals.

Key Features:

  • ChumChat: The AI chatbot(Large language model) suggesting eco-friendly ways to deal with the issues and promoting community involvement.
  • GiftChum: Allows you to gift your friends and family a tree planted specially with their name; this will be a token enriching their good moment and nature at once.
  • EventChum: One stop place to find all the green/climate-focused events going across the place, so that you do not miss out on things and get involved with individuals driven with a meaning of bringing a positive change.
  • EcoVoices: A library of motivating series/videos/voices that fills you with the right motivation required to bring the positive chnage you always wanted to.
  • EcoBlogs: Allow you to explore what’s going across the world of eco-warriors

Heal-Ghana: A Machine Learning Approach To Defeat Type1 Diabetes

Ranked among the top 12 in the world at the Type 1 Diabetes Hackathon for Africa organized by HARVARD University

Ghana has a decentralized health system, with public healthcare provision organized into national, regional, district, and subdistrict (health centers) facilities.

  1. For those in rural areas, access to a constant supply of insulin is almost impossible. People living with type 1 diabetes have to travel from far places in order to obtain their insulin. 
  2. Diabetes supplies such as glucometers, test strips, syringes, urine/ketone testers etc. are expensive. More than 70% of people may never test their blood sugar levels on a long-term, regular basis.
  3. Supplies are so expensive and irregular that many people living with diabetes turn to the use of herbs that are not credible and cost them their lives.


Finalist VARCoE 2022(OCPARVR), one of India's most reputed VR/AR challenges organized by IIT Bhubaneswar | Offered an internship to further develop the project

In diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, later stages of Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury, Huntington’s disease patients suffer from memory loss (umbrella term – dementia). Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, and reasoning — and behavioral abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities. They are not able to recognize their family members or familiar objects. They often get lost in familiar places and forget about important events.

HEAL-ERA involves improving the quality of life with declining memory for patients with Alzheimer’s or any sort of memory loss related with other neurological diseases. Our proposal of HEAL- ERA Vision is an AR spectacle integrated with a camera, mic open for all persons. We strongly believe Heal-Era will be able to identify the family person, objects using machine learning and artificial intelligence, assist them with augmented reality glasses.

VidhyutBot: An Integrated and smart lightning system for operation theatres

Submitted to SAMVEDAN

In operation theatres, the lighting system is operated by the surgeon themself or by the nurses. But these methods distract the surgeon’s focus, manual adjustment develops chances of infection and a sterile environment is not maintained. Sometimes, a nurse or an assistant has to hold the torch for the better intensity of light which causes fatigue in hand, as well as surgeons, have to deal with the shadowing effect.

VidhyutBot is an integrated and smart robotic based lightning system to assist doctors while performing surgeries in varied conditions. We are using key components like gesture controls, voice commands, and soft touch for the movement of lights as per the required conditions and positions. These self adjusting lights intended to tackle some of the major concerns such as shadowing through align the intensity of light and density of the falling rays in accordance with the best optimized angle. 

Diseases Prediction: A Data-Driven Approach For Saving Lives

Submitted to Researchathon

At this point in time, no particular prediction module claims better accuracy and can be implemented in a unified manner to predict the outbreak of any communicable or non-communicable diseases altogether. Apart from this, the focus of the previous research was only focused on the medical generated data and missed the other important aspects such as geo-locational data of the place, pharmaceutical data collected through sales of medical supplies, and climatic data.

Augmented reality module for expiry date identification of medicines.

Under Development In Collaboration with Dr. Srikant Gollapudi, IIT Bhubaneswar, India
Working to develop a smart application that will be capable of identifying the important information regarding a medicane

Research on Fairness Among AI Algorithms

Working under the supervision of Dr. Zati Hakim Azizul Hasan, University of Malaya, Malaysia

I was surprised that my google knowledge panel was disappeared and the support team from google replied that they have no control over it, but the algorithm model it by itself. While going deep into the case studies and topic, I have realised that this is huge and alarming. The AI algorithms that we encounter almost every single time in this smart world have actually developed a sense of biased in them and as the system is self-sufficient, there is actually no control of humans left over it. With this project, we may propose a AI model that will govern the other algorithms to ensure they are not taking unethical decisions.


Funded project by Uttarakhand Technical University Under the Guidance of Dr. Vishal Kumar | Received Best Research Award for the Research on Recommendation and Ranking Model Developed

EduNewspoint is developed in order to come up with an alternate and more accurate institutional ranking system for the state of Uttarakhand.

In present time there are numerous institutions around the globe, in order to attract the youth every institute claims to be the best. But while choosing the right institution proves to be a big hardship due to the lack of relevant and trustable information. With this project, we set up a multilevel fusible transparent recommendation and ranking system module based on an analysis of integrated datasets collected from students and staff members. The purpose is to ensure the fulfillment of academic and co-curricular parameters for the overall development as well as to assist students and teachers to predict the best fit institution with the help of data mining techniques. On the other hand, we believe to promote fairness among the institutional network and promoting healthy competition. 

Naval Times: An E-Newspaper

Well Reputed Daily Newspaper in the State of Uttarakhand Recognised by Government of India | 1,00,000+ Active Users

Naval Times helps to keep the people informed with the right news and information in order to stop fake news. The newspaper is quite very popular among people and have an average count of unique user 3k+ every month.

SpreadRo:A Multipurpose Rover For The Future

Winner of one of the world's most prestigious hackathon MakeMIT organized by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | iRobot Best Home Robot Award Winner

“SpreadRo” is basically a rover that can seed your grass autonomously during the summer and can spread ice melt on your driveway during winter. A bi-season machine that will use the same technology as the autonomous mower but our module provides a robust integration that hasn’t been done yet by anyone else.

The motivation and inspiration for the project “SpreadRo” have been derived from the idea of helping as well as touching the life of every individual in such a way that we will ensure the goal of sustainability. In order to promote and spread green, we have designed an integrated module that provides multiple functions and will be useable throughout the year.

Neuro-Matter: An Integrated Platform To Spread & Sustain Equality and cure neurological disorders

Winner of Second Prize of Inequality Track at HackDuke, organized by Duke University, USA | Winner of Best Media Hack Award

Neuro-Matter is an integrated social platform designed to combat not one, but 3 major issues facing our world today: Inequality, Neurological Disorders, and lack of information/news.

We started Neuro-Matter with the aim of helping people facing the issue of Inequality at different levels of society. Though it was assumed that inequality only leads to physical violence, its impacts on neurological/mental levels are left neglected.

Upon seeing the disastrous effects, we have realized the need of this hour and have come up with Neuro-Matter to effectively combat these issues in addition to the most pressing issue our world faces today: mental health!

Root: A Green Social Media

Winner of Best Green HackBioHack organized by University of California, Riverside, USA

‘Root’ is a social media app designed to combat not one, but 3 major issues facing our world today: climate change, emotional declines, and data breaches.

We started Root so your tree remains strong, where you and your friends are connected. As the root of this app, our users can connect together while saving the world!

Upon seeing the disastrous effects of data breaches and anxiety induced by biased social media platforms, we have come up with root to effectively combat these issues in addition to the most pressing issue our world faces today: climate change!

iAid: Smart Application Providing First Aid Advice in Emergency Situations

Winner of HackTCMX 1 organized by Team HackTCMX , USA | Winner of Most Creative Hack Award
It’s summer time! As Covid restrictions are gradually lifted, more and more people spent time outdoors to enjoy the sun in beaches and engage in a range of adventure activities. Accidents and injuries are not uncommon in outdoor activates. There were about 3.7 million hospitalizations stemming from outdoor injuries in 2019. In light of this, we built a mobile app to provide information when accidents happen touchwood.

Root: A Green Social Media

Winner of Best Green HackBioHack organized by University of California, Riverside, USA

‘Root’ is a social media app designed to combat not one, but 3 major issues facing our world today: climate change, emotional declines, and data breaches.

We started Root so your tree remains strong, where you and your friends are connected. As the root of this app, our users can connect together while saving the world!

Upon seeing the disastrous effects of data breaches and anxiety induced by biased social media platforms, we have come up with root to effectively combat these issues in addition to the most pressing issue our world faces today: climate change!

InformPlatform: A Platform to advocate Climate Change

Submitted to TreeHacks organized by Stanford University , USA

Our team was inspired to create an application that would assist users in having easy access to important changes in the world around them. In today’s age of information, we are often flooded with varying news sources making it difficult to pinpoint significant data in the world around us. We found two issues the most pressing – climate and healthcare data. InformPlatform is a useful and efficient web application that provides trustworthy data to notify users of anomalies in the world around them and makes them well-informed citizens.

InformPlatform is an information source for users to learn about anomalies in climate and diseases. It provides easy to understand information with a seamless UI to make information easier to receive than ever! Users can enter a location and use the information to stay safe, aware, and warn others about these anomalies.

Learn-Ect: A Smart Educational Social Platform

Carried forward to emerge as Start-Up

“Learn-Ect” is a smart educational social media platform that aims to revolutionaries the current orientation of platforms such as Facebook(Meta), Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Here we provide a new way of connecting with people through the topics of interest. We promote equality so do we not show any gender identification in the platform, the advanced Lear-Era provides you to search across 1000+ free courses and resources. With our AI feeds, we only allow the hate-free and knowledge-oriented posts to be shared across, and with the help of our smart bot TWIN we aim to counter the issue of loneliness. Though this is not enough, we are up with a new way of indexing, where you will be ranked based on your interests and contributions to that particular search topic.

Eaka: An Integrated For Mental-health

Submitted to SigmaHacks

EAKA an Integrated mental-health oriented educational platform to promote Learn by Doing and improve mental health as well as bost up the competitive spirit among students in order to plant and been involved in green sentiments to enrich environment. Also we have implemented an AI bot named Buddy that is designed to interact with any of the student feeling low, Buddy actually have the capabilities to interact in such an efficient way to the user that he/she will feel good, last but not the least buddy actually alarm the admin if it finds the interaction with user dangerous of identifies that that might be life threat.


Endorsed by the Government of Uttarakhand | Crossed 2,00,000+ User Count

I Have developed covid19point as an information platform to make people aware of news, precautions, and other major information regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic. The platform served for the welfare of the society for 2 years and helped lacks of people around.

Well There are A lot more

I have also developed 70+ websites, 28+ Multi Models including Language, Edge, Quantative, Vision, and 15+ applications for different people/organizations and purposes.

Feel free to reach me out by email for collaboration or projects at info@vinamrasharma.com with subject 'Collaboration:<Project>'.

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